27th June 2024
Check-in with Pride aims to foster a more inclusive and compassionate environment, and better support our LGBTQ+ friends, family, work mates, neighbours and chosen families. Together we can normalise conversations about mental health and wellbeing, and in doing so support more people who are struggling.
4th March 2024
For this year’s World Mental Health Day, the Better Health - Every Mind Matters campaign is focusing on “What works for me”.
PARENTS Online, which offers free online emotional support for parents, will be available five nights a week from 4 October onwards.
The National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health (NCISH) latest paper on suicide rates among patients under a Community Treatment Order (CTO) was published on 1 October in BJPsych Open.
Public Health England (PHE) has today published the first evidence review of gambling-related harms in England.