A total of 79 charities across England will share £10m in grants from the Department for Health and Social Care, it has been announced today.
The Government has revealed a provisional list of all the recipients who have been successful in applying for its 'Suicide Prevention VCSE Grant Fund'.
The list totals 79 national organisations, with grants ranging from £1,000 to £625,000.
From around West Yorkshire, recipients include Bradford Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Survivors Service, receiving £95,580 and Samaritans of Harrogate and District receiving £8,500.
The West Yorkshire Suicide Prevention Programme will continue to advocate for more national funding for suicide prevention work, such as our involvement in a recent Local Government Association article which called for increased suicide prevention funding in the upcoming Spring Budget.
Our work with the Gypsy and Traveller community of West Yorkshire was highlighted in the article as a case study about recent suicide prevention projects.
*To read the Government article on the £10m suicide prevention grants, visit the website.