The agenda has been finalised for the next meeting of the Suicide Prevention Advisory Network and will focus on young people and protecting them from suicide. WY Suicide Prevention Logo (Mustard).jpg

Taking place on September 11th from 1pm to 4pm, the meeting is the latest of the quarterly, online, drop-in learning and sharing forums which see guest speakers share their suicide prevention work with members of the network. 

September's meeting will focus on young people and will include a screening of the 'Young In Covid II - Routes to Recovery' film, the sequal to the award-winning 'Young In Covid: The Silent Pandemic' which raised awarenss of the effects of the pandemic on young poeple in Bradford.

Dr Sofia Buncy, national co-ordinator at Bradford's Khidmat Centres, will talk about the project alongside some of the young people who featured in the film.

Jenny Groves, founder and CEO of the charity Battle Scars will also host a talk on 'Does self-harm link to suicide', with a focus on children and young people. 

Finally, James Parkes, England North area manager for the charity PAPYRUS - Prevention of Young Suicide, will talk through the charity's work with young poeple and take a look a recent developments in West Yorkshire. 

To receive an invite to the meeting, email