*NB, this looks at data but always remember every death represents a life lost - impacting on average 135 people.

Suicide risk among vulnerable groups features among key findings in the latest annual report of the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health (NCISH). NCISH logo.png

The 2023 report looks into children and adults who died by suicide in 2010-2020 across all UK countries and this year also covers topics on current economic and societal concerns, including patients with economic adversity, those aged under 25 and suicide-related internet use.

The NCISH database includes a national case series of suicide by patients under the care of mental health services over more than 25 years.  

Key findings and recommendations include:

Decrease in general population suicide rate in 2020
1,660 suicides by people under recent (within 12 months) mental health care in 2020
27 per cent of all people who died by suicide in 2010-2020 had recent contact with mental health services

Clinical risk
64 per cent had previous self-harm
48 per cent lived alone
23 per cent missed final service contact
-Common risk factors remain key to prevention. Involve family and carers after loss of contact.

Acute care settings
464 deaths per year
Half of in-patients who took their own life were on agreed leave
Highest risk on day three after in-patient discharge
--Focus should be on step down from hospital to community.

Recent economic adversity
In 2016-2020, there were 373 deaths per year in patients who had experienced recent economic adversity.
This number increased over the five-year period
Mainly financial, workplace and housing problems
--Services should signpost to support agencies

People under 25
147 deaths of mental health patients per year (20 per cent of the general population suicides in these young age groups)
Higher rates of anxiety and autism (under 18s)
More alcohol and drug misuse (18-24 year olds)
--Access to self-harm services is crucial for young people

Patients given a diagnosis of personality disorder
174 deaths per year - accounting for 11 per cent of all patient suicides in 2010-2020 overall
Deaths in this group increasing in women
Past abuse, self-harm, alcohol and drug misuse common
--Better models of safe and compassionate care needed.

LGB and trans groups
Average of 49 patient deaths per year
Younger than other patients; self-harm common
Experience of childhood abuse and domestic violence
--Therapies addressing trauma to be offered

Suicide-related internet use (searching on suicide method, visiting ‘pro-suicide’ sites, posting intent)
Evidence of suicide-related internet use in eight per cent of all patient suicides
Patients of all ages, mostly 25-44
Under 25s more likely to post suicide intent
--Online experience should be routing part of risk assessment.

Download the key findings and recommendations here.