A moving film which looks at the realities of living with suicidal thoughts will be shown at a public screening in November. YES.png

'WHY' is a documentary created by ‘York Ending Stigma – Let’s Talk Mental Health’, a group of York residents with experience of poor mental health including suicidal thoughts and attempts.

In the film, six people share their experiences of suicidal thoughts, to encourage more conversations and actions to prevent suicide.

A public screening of the WHY will take place on Wednesday November 16th at 1pm, followed by a panel discussion Q&A for questions about the campaign and suicide prevention.

On their website, those behind the film say: “You will learn about us and some of the things that help us stay as well as we can. Our film is realistic yet positive and hopeful.”

It adds: “We’re asking you to help us break the silence, stigma, and shame of suicide through compassionate conversations; by talking, sharing and listening.”

For more information, to view a short taster of the film, and to book a free place at the screening, click here: York Ending Stigma – Let's Talk Suicide Prevention.