A series of resources have been produced to support organisations to manage the risk and impact of suicide within the homelessness sector.

Charities Homeless Link, Pathway, Groundswell and London-based mental health support team EASL have teamed up to produce a broad range of resources for people experiencing homelessness, workers and managers as well as a range of shared resources and good practice examples.

People experiencing homelessness are at a higher risk of ending their lives by suicide than the general population.

Included in the resources are:  

  • Managing the risk and impact of suicide: guidance for homelessness organisations.
  • Postvention after a death by suicide: guidance for organisations
  • Recorded presentation and slides on debriefs for staff following a death by EASL

The work was funded by the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, jointly managed and funded by the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England and UK Health Security Agency.