Mental health inpatients in Leeds who have improved their health through music have created an album as part of their recovery journey.

as recognition for their contribution to the project.
'Sometimes Falling Up' is the culmination of a creative project to introduce song writing as a means of improving mental wellbeing and aiding recovery by patients on Ward 5 of the Newsam Centre in Leeds, part of the Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
Working with Jonathan Parker, from Creative Frame CIC, a Leeds-based green social prescribing organisation, participants on the ward used their own thoughts, feelings and past experiences to help with lyrics and lyrical ideas for the songs which cover themes of love, loss, escape and hope.
The album can be downloaded for £10 and all money raised will go towards a music group which will continue to support former inpatients alongside other men who find themselves isolated.
Those behind the project say the work has sparked hope, brought joy, and created a sense of community between a group of men suffering with enduring and complex mental health challenges.
The services provided on Ward 5 are vital in helping people with enduring mental illness gain access to employment, housing, and social/leisure activities through developing links with relevant community-based services and agencies.
Visit this website to buy and download the album.
Watch a video about the project here: